Metal Glass Media refers to the metal stands that hold the fusion glass fine art.
Metal Glass Media refers to the metal stands that hold the fusion glass fine art.
The price per piece is derived by the amount of space it occupies in the kiln and the degree of difficulty in the composition. All the metal stands or window hanging frames are included in all the fusion glass fine art. The larger the piece the longer the firing times, therefore higher the cost.
So where did the inspiration for Fusion Glass come from?
The answer to that question lies within a series of moments and experiences that had the artist, Brent Harding realize that he needed to find a way to get his watercolors to glisten. He loved the way the sun kissed the glass in a stained glass piece so fusion glass evolved from this concept. So how is is done? To begin, you need to start with a design. Once the design is drawn, a mold is created to provide depth to the landscapes.
Each piece is created by hand and the mold can only be used once due to being destroyed during the firing process. This guarantees a one of a kind, unique art piece that can't be exactly duplicated.
The technique was created by Brent through his experience as a painter and through trial and error.